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We are blessed to live in America! Yet it seems so many Americans take our nation for granted.

Sadly, these days America looks nothing like what the founders and patriots envisioned when they pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. It is obvious our nation is in trouble, her destiny in jeopardy. It is incumbent upon all of us to now step up as the patriots of today.

Our gathering, BATTLE CRY FOR THE REPUBLIC is not a rally*, rather a worship service held on the grounds of the US Capitol January 5-6.  The gathering’s purpose is to worship, pray for our nation and governmental leaders, decree over America’s destiny, and war for God’s purposes for our nation. We must not allow the evil that has taken root to further flourish. Each day will look a little different in how we stand watch at the Governmental Gate of the nation. 

California’s destiny is not the turmoil, natural disasters, calamity, and oppression her citizens are experiencing now.
Home to most of our nation’s revivals and moves of the Spirit, California’s glory root is greater than her evil root.
Too often, California is cursed and called the land of fruits and nuts. When in fact, California is truly the land of milk and honey with her natural beauty, innovation, technology, and the food basket of the world…being among the state’s attributes. 
That said, there is no question these are difficult times for our nation, and for California the 31st state, where citizens are fleeing the state due to many factors including taxes, government overreach and oppression of Christians.  
Thrive California is calling seasoned Bible believing leaders from across the nation to come and stand with beleaguered Californians. This is a season for a fresh breath of the Lord to blow on the Body of Christ, and where old wells will pour out water to the new wells.  The worshipping tribe of Judah always led the Israelites into battle.  Today we would call that spiritual boots on the ground.  Using praise as our weapon, Thrive California seeks to release the new sound, causing California to shift, and come back into alignment with the Lord’s plans for her

Ephesians 6:12 (AMP)
For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere. 

About A Supreme Moment  

We have an opportunity to shift the atmosphere at the U.S. Supreme Court during a significant abortion case that could have a wide-reaching impact on Roe v Wade.   

Women for a Great America is hosting,  A Supreme Moment November 29-December 3 in Washington, D.C.    

Please join me, Dutch Sheets, and others in this time of strategic worship and prayer as we call upon the Lord to give the U.S. Supreme Court Justices divine wisdom and clarity.

On December 1, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the Mississippi abortion case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.   

Many believe this is the most important abortion case before the Court in three decades.  While the case is not a direct challenge, it could lead to overturning Roe v Wade.

Be a witness to history! Be a part of this strategic Worship and Prayer.
Our mandate is to bring the Lord’s presence to the U.S. Supreme Court to shift the atmosphere before, during, and after the hearing…with strategic worship, prayer, and decrees. 

Additionally, most Americans are unaware the Justices actually meet in a private Conference, the same week of a hearing, to discuss the case and vote.  We expect them to meet Friday, December 3 regarding the Dobbs case.  The outcome will not be announced until this summer.

If you can’t attend in person, please join us in shifting the atmosphere with a tax-deductible gift. 

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